Audition information!
Auditions for the Slippery Rock University
Winter Guard will be held on Monday, November 17, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
at Swope Hall. Individuals need to be a student at the University.
There will be a $25.00 audition fee.
For more details, please contact Bruno
Zuccala at bzuccala@aol.com
We have an open
house scheduled for June 1 (Sunday) at the Vagabond Center in Lyndora, PA.
Participation is free if you are willing to donate 4 hours each month in the
summer towards the corps fundraising efforts. We will not turn away anyone with
the desire and time to commit to the organization for the 2014 summer.
Rehearsals are
Sunday afternoons and Wednesday evenings and parades and performances will be
added as they become available. We have
a talented and experienced staff onboard to assist the corps in striving for
greatness. This is your chance to get in before the spots all fill up.
For more
information, please visit our webpage at:
http://generalbutlervagabonds.com/drum--bugle-corps.html . You will find a
brief, no obligation, prospective membership form there to be included in our
mailing list, along with some additional details about the corps.
Thanks for your
interest in the General Butler Vagabonds Drum and Bugle Corps!